Training with the new Porta-Hang Training Holds pt. 1 - The Spinner

Training with the new Porta-Hang Training Holds pt. 1 - The Spinner

In this training series we’ll be looking at the different ways you can max out the potential of our newest training hold set.

In our April “New Product Announcement: New Training Holds!” article we unveiled our newest hold line and gave you a quick look at each hold. But now it's time to dive into the characteristics and qualities of each of these holds in their own spotlight.

The Spinner was an instant favorite for the team at Porta-Hang, and now for many customers. Designed to be the most versatile plastic hold in our ranks, The Spinner was made to be your Swiss army knife of training holds. No matter if it’s your first time ever trying a pull-up or dead-hang, or if you’re a seasoned pro, there’s something for you on The Spinner.

Just a slight rotation will take you from sloper to side pull and pocket to pinch! Here are our 8 go-to positions for The Spinner. We will go down the list starting in the classic/normal orientation, and spin the hold clockwise.



Classic Orientation

Dish - A 3-4 finger in-cut dish with a slight slope. A favorite for all.

Sloper 1 - In the normal position, reach for the top of the hold keeping your palm open and pressed against the dish ledge and wrap that thumb.



Rotate 45 degrees (adjust as desired)

Side-pull/Finger stack - Watch your tension on this one. Be sure not to pull inwards too much or you may move your door hanger position. This orientation makes a great sloped finger stack. Changing the rotation by a few degrees can give you a more positive or aggressive slope.

Sloped ledge - In the same orientation as the finger stack, reach for the top of the hold and lock the thumb in for sloping ledge.



Rotate another 45 degrees (to be 90 degrees from normal position)

Mini Jug/Sloper - The Trekkies in the house might recognize this formation. Tension on that middle finger is key to locking in this one. 3 fingers and a thumb on this narrow, sloping knob get the trick done.

*Bonus - Feeling ambitious? Stay off the very top and try your hand at the slopy, crimpy pinch a bit below the top.

Rotate 90 degrees (180 degrees from normal)

Jug/Sloped Ledge - This is the money right here. The mercy ledge. The one you can’t wait to hit on that tricky project. A great warm up position for this hold. A solid pull-up, dead-hang, or lock-off jug.

Rotate another 45 degrees (225 degrees from normal)

Not the hold you want, but the one you need - Reaching for the bottom of the hold, engage like your on-sight depends on it. Outdoors, this hold is money. On plastic, we always tend to shy away from these mini sloped-crimp-dish-type things. Likely the toughest position on the hold. Try adding a thumb catch to soften the struggle.


Rotate another 45 degrees (270 degrees from normal)

The Notch - Part dish, part spoon. Don’t let this one run away on you. Stack your fingers in the bottom V groove and engage. This is another to build up to. Delicate, yet tough. A little something to get those shoulders and back muscles working overtime.



Which Spinner position is your favorite? Have you found one that’s not on our list? Let us know by posting your training pics and videos on Instagram and Facebook and tagging #PortaTrain @PortaHang!

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