What's New at Porta-Hang?
Well #PortaGang, it was an exciting first half of the year! Now, July alone has been packed with it’s own tick list of fun.
We’ve seen huge growth in our community these past few months and we wanted to take a moment to bring all of you who joined us more recently up to speed on all of the excitement that’s been going on.
So, in no particular order of excitement level, here's what’s new at Porta-Hang!
Company Highlights
1. Porta-Hang Canada
Just this week you may have seen the news that we officially launched Porta-Hang Canada to better serve our customers to the north. It is with great pride that we move into this new era for Porta-Hang. We are excited to offer faster shipping times, lower shipping costs and to be eliminating duty fees for Canadian-based orders.
Do you have a Canadian climbing buddy who needs to know about Porta-Hang
Canada? Send them to www.portahang.ca!
2. Reduced Plastic
3. Big Island Climbing
Porta-Hang gear is now available at Big Island Climbing “The only gym on the Big Island”, in Hilo, Hawaii. You’ll find a variety of Porta-Hang gear here, including; hanger sets, holds and training accessories.
4. Moving Out of The Garage
We’ve grown significantly over the last year and a half. So much so that we quickly outgrew our production facility and have expanded our hold line and training accessories lines. Read the full story in our recent blog post - “Moving Out Of The Garage”.
5. Porta-Hang Ambassadors
6. The Porta-Board
Product Launches
1. New Training Holds
2. Specialty Holds
3. Training Accessory Bundle
4. Hugs & Slots: Wooden Holds
Coming into the second half of the year things aren’t slowing down. We have big things brewing. With the debut of climbing in the Olympics, excitement levels are at an all time high, and we’ll have more rad news to share in the weeks to come.
Happy #PortaTraining.