Getting The Most out of Your New 3.0 Training Holds

Ready to shake things up with those new 3.0 training holds?
Porta-Hang’s new 3.0 line was designed to be the most versatile hold offering yet!
The core training set - the Chicken Head, Spinner and Tennessee Ledge - are all multi-functional holds, designed to be rotated as your training progresses. This makes them the perfect set to travel with when space is limited.
Get the most out of your new 3.0 training holds with these 6 tips for augmenting your training.
- Chicken Head sloper pinch - Flip that chicken head upside down and get ready to engage with everything you’ve got. An advanced move right out of the gate will push the limits of your sloper and pinch strength on this small but mighty hold.
- Tennessee Ledge sloper - For those of us looking for a slightly more forgiving, yet still quite progressive change up, the Tennessee Ledge can also be flipped upside down to be used as a wider sloper than the Chicken Head. Rotate it a few degrees inward for a little more meat on that outside edge.
- The Spinner jug- Can you sport a theme here? Flip that Spinner upside down for a hearty jug/sloping ledge for some warm up pulls or dead hangs if you don’t have your Pull-up trainers nearby.
- The Spinner side-pull - Rotate the Spinner roughly 45 degrees inward (towards you) to create a solid side-pull. Don’t be afraid to tweak the angle as needed to get that pull just right. Just remember to keep enough direct downward tension to keep those door hangers in place.
- The Spinner gastón - Ready to make those back and shoulder muscles really work for it? Opposite to the side pull, rotate the Spinner outwards roughly 45 degrees. Again, keep that downward tension in mind, and tweak as needed.
- The Spinner crimp - In its normal state, or in the gaston position, the Spinner offers a nice top crimp to be had. But don’t be fooled! This will force an open-handed crimp, not the nice solid closed finger crimp you might be used to. Great to prepping for those necessary times when there’s a great crimp buried into or on top of a bad sloper.
This is just the start when it comes to augmenting your training with the new 3.0 Hold Set from Porta-Hang. We hope this gets those creative juices flowing and helps widen your training routine. Be sure to watch for new training videos coming soon.
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